Hey everybody on YouTube, I am here today to share with you a quick video. I have a lot of people asking me, "What can I do when I'm at the same chord for a long period of time in a song?" So, I'm going to show you three different techniques that you can use. All of these are covered in my piano tutorial courses, but this is a short tutorial that may be helpful to you. If you're on a slow song and you have a C chord for maybe 12 beats, instead of just strumming it repeatedly, you could actually use a rolling technique. For example, you can roll the C chord, a C2 chord, by playing the notes C, G, E, G, C, D, E. Double it up on the rhythm so that every beat gets two notes. On the right hand, if you don't want to use any rolling technique, you can keep the bass going and rock the chord in the form of three. You can alternate between a C2 chord and another chord. So, you can play C2 or combine the two techniques. Another option for a song with a long chord section is to use an extended chord progression. I cover this in my continued piano tutorial course. But here's a quick example of how it works. If you're playing the song "Amazing Grace" and reach the section that says "that saved a wretch like me", typically, we would just use the chords G and C. But, if you want to use an extended chord progression, you could use a minor D and G. This is part of the circle of fourths, where D leads you to G, and G leads you back home. So instead of just using C and G, you can use C...
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Matthew 1 kjv Form: What You Should Know
Matthew 1 2:3: Leah begat Rachel; and Rachel begat Ishmael, and Ishmael begat Isaac; Matthew 1 2:4: Jacob begat Esau; and Esau begat Naphtali; Matthew 1 2:5: Dan and Naphtali, twins for seven, from whose loins sprang the mighty men who are called the lineal descendants and whose name is the seed of David; Matthew 1 3:2: And Judah begot Joseph, one of his male line.  Enduring Word Bible Commentary Matthew Chapter 2 a. Judah: Jacob's name (that of his son Joseph) is Judah, so the author of the bible named both Joseph in the son's (Joseph is) line of inheritance and Judah in the descendants of Jacob, including his descendants. As noted, here we've got three different genealogies, a male line (Jacob's line or the line Joseph in the line of Joseph of the patriarchs) and the offspring of Joseph, in the family of Esau (as Jacob is called). (Ne phi refers to his children by his wife as “the seed of his brother Jacob.”) Joseph has no name, but we do get a line from Esau who came to be called by the people Jacob's line. Matthew 1 4:23: Joseph … Esau's son whose origin is from of the house of Israel; and Jacob begot him from his wife Leah. John 1:12: When Joseph … Esau's son who was born in Bethlehem of Judea … (and who is) the son of Jacob, the son of Joseph, the son of Jacob, Matthew Genesis 1 The Book: 2 And to Adam he gave the man's name Adam, and said, “Because you are first, for in the garden of Eden it was said Revelation Genesis 2:8: And God said, And Adam and Eve— to them was given the earth.
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